the unbelievable truth: why america has become a nation of religious know-nothings

by daniel dennett on the ny daily news, in response to the new study by the pew forum on religion and public life, which concluded that atheists and agnostics tend to know more about religion than believers do.


the age of the earth, the existence of billions of galaxies, the detailed confirmation of evolutionary biology, including our demonstrated close kinship to chimpanzees and indeed all other mammals - all these discoveries and many more have taken their toll on any literal understanding of the holy texts. scholarship about the history of those texts has also made it more and more obvious that they are imperfect human artifacts with a long history of revision and adjustment, not eternal and unchanging gifts from god.

so what's a religion to do? there are two main tactics.

plan A: treat the long, steady retreat into metaphor and mystery as a process of increasing wisdom, and try to educate the congregation to the new sophisticated understandings.

plan B: cloak all the doctrines in a convenient fog and then not just excuse the faithful from trying to penetrate the fog, but celebrate the policy of not looking too closely at anyone's creed - not even your own.
