Alice Sweet Alice

(1976) ***1/2

Basically Alice is a little bitch and her sister Karen (played by a young Brook Shields) is a whiny spoiled brat who craves attention. Alice likes to fuck with her sister. For example, snatching her first communion veil and putting it on while her sister yelps. Who can blame her, being told her sister is the pretty one all the time. So when Karen is found dead and burning inside the organists bench all eyes turn toward Alice. Her parents insist she is innocent and an investigation ensues.

"My mother thought you could use some cake, fatty."

I really like these late 60's and 70's movies for a couple of reasons. First of all they are so much edgier in dialog then today's flicks. They are untethered by the constraints of political correctness. I often find myself thinking, they could never get away with that now. Have we really gotten that backwards? I think so. Secondly, they are more about plot and character building then constant action. I love a good movie with a slow build. I hadn't seen this film in many years so I cannot recall my initial reaction to it. The Catholic ceremonies and traditions brought back many memories of my own childhood. Not the good ones. Confession and communion, yikes! Kneeling at that rail with my tongue stuck out waiting for the priest to jam a fish food wafer into my mouth. No thanks! But as far as the film goes, it's a good classic and well worth the watch.

One final thought. A police detective makes an observation to his fellow officer that Alice is surely is a strange girl. I looked up the actress who played Alice and curiously enough her only other film cred is for Liquid Sky. So I concur that Alice truly is a strange girl.