Best Actor 1939: Results

5. Mickey Rooney in Babes in Arms- Mickey Rooney I think he is just fine and functionally correct in his role. Nothing that much, but I really thought he did what he had to.
4. Robert Donat in Goodbye, Mr. Chips-Robert Donat really is a strong winner showing his transition from a young man, to an old teacher brilliantly. He handles all of Chips changes throughout his years brilliantly, and gives a very memorable performance.
3. Laurence Olivier in Wuthering Heights- Heathcliff is a very dramatic character who certainly is an Archetype but Olivier does not stop this from giving a great performance. He is perfect at first as the romantic lead than his transitions brilliantly and truly effectively as the dark and cold Heathcliff.

2. James Stewart in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington- James Stewart using his charm which only has really gives a very strong performance. Stewart really is great in his way as the innocent Smith, to his transition to the lone man fighting for what is right.

1. Clark Gable in Gone With The Wind- Clark Gable gives a truly legendary performance as Rhett Butler. Rhett is made is into the extremely memorable character by Gable. Gable is able to stand out in this epic, and stand with Vivien Leigh which is an incredible achievement. An iconic performance that is truly a great performance. This whole year was a great year for acting performances, and each would have been deserving in any year, but I feel Gable happens to be the most powerful, most effective performance, and really was the most challenging character. For such achievement Gable becomes my second two time lead winner now tying with Walter Huston.
Deserving Performances:
John Wayne in Stagecoach