
(2009) ***

After filming got canceled for the night, I decided to start off with a film that fits nicely into my creepy kids theme. Unlike so many creepy kid films this one does not start out with everything being pleasant and perfect with their family. As a matter of fact everything seems to be a little off from the get go. Madeline and Michael are in a loveless marriage in fact she actually appears to be repulsed by him. They are cordial to each other but there is no affection. Even love making seems emotionless and mechanical, purely done for breeding purposes. Madeline has had 2 previous pregnancies, both resulting in miscarriage. When she becomes pregnant once again Micheal's twisted control freak of a mother keeps insisting she see her doctor. The couple decide to go to a midwife instead. With 3 weeks to go in the pregnancy the couple get into a severe car accident, the baby is declared dead inside her. Madeline insists on carrying to full term regardless. When the child is born alive everyone sees her as a miracle baby, but she isn't quite right. Baby Grace isn't satisfied with breast milk, she wants blood.

The freakiest thing in this movie is the mother in law. This stoic old bitch is seen tweaking her nipples, forcing her spineless husband to nurse from her and pumping milk from her saggy old breasts. So gross and disturbing. The woman has serious issues yet she is merely a side story in the world of Grace. I could totally see her as a verbally abusive over nurturing main character in one of those Lifetime films. She'd probably be nursing her 30 year old son in a dark and cobweb ridden attic.

We aren't ever clear on what Grace is exactly. Zombaby? Vampinfant? I tend to think more Zombaby since she kinda stinks and there are always flies buzzing around her. She looks cute, pink and normal though. No “It's Alive” baby fx. Sort of a weird film that sneaks in that subtle creepy vibe from the beginning and just continues to build.